John 21:1-14
Grace to you and peace from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
They are at it again.
Spending all their time in the dark.
You have noticed by now, most likely, that all the way
through John there is a focus on whether someone can see, whether there is
light illuminating what needs to be seen…a focus on whether someone hangs out
in the dark or comes into the light.
So here are these beautiful, broken human disciples of Jesus…
the ones who spent the the first few days after Jesus death hiding in the
dark. The ones who continued to hide for
7 days after Jesus appears to them in that dark room as the light of life. The ones who still needed him to show up
again on the 7th day helping them to see with his hands and his
side, that it was, really him.
And here they are… Fishing in the dark!
I don’t know about first century fishing, so maybe someone
here can prove me wrong, But it seems
that for their lifestyle of fishing on lakes and small seas, in small wooden
boats… it’s unlikely that fishing at night was the easiest way to get the job
done. And even if it was, it doesn’t
change the fact that the Gospel of John – like most Biblical works – do not
waste words. If John tells us they were
fishing at night. In the dark. It matters. Especially since we’ve been reading all the
way through John and we’ve heard about people being in the dark before.
So here Jesus comes, once again, at daybreak, to Illuminate…
well, first he shows them how to get more fish.
More actual fish. But it doesn’t
take too much of a leap to remember those first words he said to men like them…
“I’ll teach you how to fish for people.”
Jesus has already given them the holy spirit in John, they
aren’t waiting around for it like they do in Luke-Acts. Which also means Jesus
has given them no time to recover. They
are still reeling from the crucifixion of their leader, and the confusing of
their new status as empowered apostles… and so they go fishing.
For fish. Not people.
I imagine Jesus showing up and seeing them in that boat and
thinking… well, I guess that’s one way to deal with your existential
angst. And then calling out to them… Hey
guys, having any luck?
Jesus shows up in the light of dawn to show them a thing or
two about fish, and how to catch them.
And the power of God.
Unlike in Acts, which we read every year at the Festival of
Pentecost, 50 days after Easter. These
disciples get the Holy Spirit the very same day that Jesus rises from the
dead. In Acts that leads to tongues of
fire and immediate extensive preaching about what God is up to in Jesus, the
Christ, the Messiah. But John takes a
more compassionate and relatable view of the Holy Spirit’s arrival. It takes days, maybe even weeks, and the
disciples are still in the dark… hiding in the dark, staying in the dark room
for a week, fishing under the cover of darkness…
Here, in this Sacred Story, we who hear the story get to SEE
before the disciples, how it will all unfold.
WE get to listen to them and respond in mutual anxiety… or inspiration…
or dumbfoundedness at how slow they are.
Whatever our judgement of them, there is room for us here. Whatever our own response to Jesus’ resurrection
and giving of the Holy Spirit, we can observe that these disciples took a
while, and so it is ok if it takes us, or our neighbors, a while too…
Let’s go back to that dark room for a few minutes. The room we heard about last week. Let’s remember what Jesus actually does when
he shows up – Jesus said,
“Peace be with
you.” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and
his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As
the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and
said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven
them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
And he had promised to do all this – to send the Holy Spirit…
remember? Right before he died, one of
the last things he said to them…
25 “I have said these things to you while I am still
with you. 26 But the Advocate,[i] the
Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything,
and remind you of all that I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I
do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and
do not let them be afraid.
He promised to send the Spirit, the Advocate, and that
promise was to give them Peace. This is
the peace Jesus gives. Not the peace of
false security in your bank account. Not
the peace of a lack-of-war. Not the
peace of Rome, the Pax Romana that promised peace through submission to the
world’s super-power. Not the peace
promised by politicans today. No, this
peace is the peace that surpasses all understanding. The peace that Jesus gives to all of us. The
peace we live when we immerse ourselves in Jesus who is the way, the truth and
the life. The peace that Jesus gives roots us in the faith we have in our God.
The Trustworthy One who holds us like a lamb, who searches us out when we have
been lost, who loves us so completely he died that we might not fear death, or
life. And this peace does something to us.
It doesn’t just rest in our hearts and let us be. It begs to be shared. It is peace in community. It is peace that works for God’s justice in
the world. It is peace that pushes the
boundaries of who we think we should connect with, who we think we should care
about – always, more and more, further and further, until we realize that our
peace is related to their peace. And we
are sent to bring it to them.
Just like that man blind from birth who was healed in that
pool named Sent. Just like that woman
from the well who ran through town telling about Jesus. Just like these disciples have been sent. You and I, and everyone who has received the
Holy Spirit in baptism has been sent too… Sent to love each other as Jesus
loves them. Sent to forgive people and
hold them accountable to this love in community. Sent to be peace holders, and peace
givers. The peace that surpasses all
So this week, if you feel like you are locked in the dark of
your own life experience. If you had a
hard enough time getting out of bed this morning. If you are struggling to see the hope in our
dreary world, then know this. Jesus
keeps showing up to find you. To give
you, again and again, the gift of new life, of his life. The gift of the life of peace when there is
no peace. The gift of life in the midst
of a loving community, no matter how hard it is to love one another. The gift of a life of fishing – for others –
who are waiting for Jesus to show up for them too… maybe even in the shape of
Thanks be to
God! Amen.
P: Alleluia! Christ is Risen! C: He
is risen Indeed! Alleluia!
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