Sunday, April 16, 2017

I'm having Difficulty Remembering...

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Grace to you and Peace from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Recall with me a time in your life when you were thrilled with a new turn of events… Maybe you just found out your best friend was moving to live in your town or you had gotten a slot in the perfect summer camp.  Maybe you were about to take your dream job, or had just learned you were becoming a grandparent for the first time.  Maybe you just realized that you found the love of your life, or even, you recently learned that you were, finally, cancer-free…   

In those first few days, weeks or months that you were still new to that reality.  Life was totally different, and yet, exactly the same.  You knew that something very good had happened and it probably buoyed your mood throughout the days, but…  Did you ever forget?  You know, in your day-to-day life, just going about your business – forgetting about it – not remembering that a whole new world had come to you and then… something would tug you into to the reality that something Truly Great was happening… ?

It was like that for me when I was pregnant for the first time, I would go about my day and forget I was becoming a mom.  Then someone would ask me how I was feeling and it was like hearing the news for the first time all over again – Wonderful!  I am feeling wonderful!  A new life was beginning, and not just the child, but a mother was about to be born.  Each time I remembered that tiny new life that would be coming sometime soon it was like a fantastic gift over and over again.

Now, 6 years later, I have some significant moments completely amazed at the honor and joy of motherhood.  And I also spend – probably more – moments forgetting what an honor and joy motherhood is.  We all know what those moments look like… How quickly we can forget. 

It’s easy to forget stuff.  But Remembering is a tricky thing. 

We forget stuff all the time.  Simple things like keys and phones or even big enormous things like a new baby growing or a major life change. Remembering is a strangely passive process.  Sometimes we know we have forgotten, and so we wait around, trying to remember… but usually Remembering happens when we are just going about our work and it suddenly comes to us.  Even when we use tricks like walking back to the spot you last knew that thing, it is up to our environment, often the people around us, to help us remember. 

What if God designed it that way?  What if God gives us families and friends and communities to help us Remember?  Because Remembering – even the most important things – is hard. Especially alone. It is much easier to forget.
Just ask the women in the Easter story. 
“Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again. Then they remembered his words.”

Here’s the tricky thing about remembering.  Before that very moment, when the light shines bright and the men encountered the women in that tomb.  The women had forgotten.  So they were living in the old reality, the one that has actually passed away but they had forgotten because they didn’t remember!  Remembering changed their world.

These women have been through a lot the past few days.  They woke up very early this morning remembering certain things… bleary eyed from their three days of weeping.  They remembered the people’s cries for a King that day he rode on a donkey.  And they remember their cries turning on him.  The unjust trial.  And the pain of that cross.  They remembered where they saw Joseph lay his body. Remembering, like any of us who have lost a loved one do… it is fresh each morning, each time we drive down that same street or think we need to check in with them, and they are no longer there.  All they could remember confronted the reality of their friend, their teacher, their beloved connection to God – dead, on a cross, killed by Romans because his own people wanted it so.  We weep with them and feel the searing pain slicing through our hearts each time we recall it.

They go to the tomb, because they remember Jesus’ death. 

But they have forgotten something. 
“Suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them: Why do you look for the living among the dead?”

The women find themselves lying on the ground as if pleading in prayer. And then They. Remember!

The women, frozen in fear, are stunned.  They remember.  Jesus told them.  This would happen.  He would not be in the tomb.  He would rise again. 

This Remembering rips them out of their painful reality with the hope that… he lives! 
Everything that Jesus has been teaching us about… Remember!  Remember your life is not your own, but God has saved you!  Remember, you have been given abundant daily bread!  Remember, Our God finds the lost at all costs – even the cost of his very own life.  Remember, even if this is the one person you would rather die than take help from - He has given you life. Remember, God’s will is for a life lived in connection to God and to each other. Not even death can separate us from God’s love. …Remember?
The women could not do this remembering on their own.  They needed those men to show up. Those dazzling white, frightening men who clearly knew something the women did not – the women needed those angelic “men” to remember with them.  The ones who live with God and have experienced God’s reality.  God’s will for Life.  God’s drive that led God to let the evil one think he had won for a time, so that God’s reality might break open the world that thinks God is captive. 

The women show up at that tomb thinking Jesus has been defeated, and as it turns out it was in the defeat that the reality of God’s power over this world could be realized.
God changed the world order.  He who died – Lives.

Those women ran from that tomb, entrusted with the greatest news of all time – He Lives!  And the disciples think they speak nonsense.  But it isn’t nonsense.  It isn’t nonsense to believe the world can be different than it is.  “It isn’t nonsense to believe that weapons of mass destruction are not necessary, and that war is not inevitable.  It is not nonsense to believe that a child’s race and class and sex will not always determine their future share of happiness and well-being.  It is not nonsense to believe that we who have been divided from each other can, and will one day sit down together at the welcome table of God’s love and God’s grace.  These are not nonsense thoughts. With the Easter eyes of resurrection faith, we can see that this is hope…Hope is the door from one reality to another.”  Hope is not about a feeling.  Hope is action based upon faith.  Hope is what happens when we Remember!  The world has changed!  And though the disciples think they speak nonsense, we all sit here today because of the hope of those women.[i] 

It’s a lot to remember.

I cannot remember by myself. 

None of us can.  

But that’s why God gives us to each other, The church.  We are a Remembering Community.

We’re here every week.  Each week, God re-members us.  Brings us into one body by assembling us together here.  Gathering together, we remember that Easter happens every Sunday. Every day in each one of our lives as we remember together that we have Easter Hope! Hope found because we have died with Jesus in the waters of baptism and are raised with Jesus to new life here and now. 

Remembering not something that happened in the past but remembering the new reality we live in now!  Together we Remember God’s promises of life and salvation. We remember that we Easter people have hope. Hope for the world to be different than it is.  Acting in Hope for God’s love to be made real in the world. 

You are God’s beloved child, it is for you that God has done all this – come to suffer, die and rise again.  Is that hard to remember? Well, yes, it is.  But don’t worry, we’re here for you.  We’ll help each other Remember.

[i]Jim Wallis, Sojourners magazine “While the Men Were in Hiding, Women Delivered the Greatest News the World Has Ever Known.”

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